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Breaking News ANA-NY has booked Tammy J. Butler for 7th Annual Pre-Conference.

Posted almost 5 years ago by ANA Staff

Can’t make the whole 7th Annual Conference. Make the right choice and come to Thursday’s pre-conference.


This year for ANA-NY 7th Annual pre-conference we are thrilled to have Tammy J. Toney-Butler, RN speaking on Human Trafficking Intersections with Healthcare; Impacts on the Economy and Public Health.


Here is what Director at large Francine Bono-Neri, RN has to say;

The audience was completely mesmerized and captivated by her story. You could have heard a pin drop, that’s how quiet we were, hanging on and listening to her every word. Her conviction, dedication, and passion were tangible!  By the end of her presentation, not a single person had a dry eye in that room.  She is a nurse on a mission and will not stop until human trafficking is abolished. Amazing speaker!


There is still time to registered for ANA-NY 7th Annual conference